Saturday, August 1, 2015

Patterns of Alcohol Consumption and Related Behaviors in Brazil: Evidence from the 2013 National Health Survey (PNS 2013)

Below:  State-level prevalence rates of selected drinking behaviors among adults aged 18 and above, Brazil 2013.
Data source: PNS 2013, public use Arc-GIS shape files; authors’ calculations. Results include sample weights and control for survey design. Current drinkers defined as reporting having at least 1 drink in the past 30 days. Rates for drinking and driving are among current drinkers who also drive a car or motorcycle. Binge drinking defined as at least 5 (for men) or 4 (for women) drinks in one occasion among current drinkers. Frequent binge drinking defined as 4 or more episodes in the past 30 days, among binge drinkers.

Below:  Probability of drinking and driving by report of binge drinking, sex, and age.
Data source: PNS 2013, authors’ calculations. Results are predicted probabilities of self-reported drinking and driving, controlling for age, sex, educational attainment, rural and capital city residence, skin color, martial status, drinking before age 18, binge drinking, and interactions between age, sex, and binge drinking.

This study uses data from a nationally representative household survey (the 2013 National Health Survey, n = 62,986) to describe patterns of alcohol consumption and related behaviors among Brazilian adults. Analyses include descriptive and multivariable Poisson regression for self-reports in the past 30 days of: drinking any alcohol, binge drinking, binge drinking 4 or more times, and driving after drinking (DD); as well as age of alcohol consumption initiation. Results show that current drinking prevalence was 26%, with an average age of initiation of 18.7 years. Binge drinking was reported by 51% of drinkers, 43% of whom reported binge drinking 4 or more times. Drinking and driving was reported by nearly one quarter of those who drive a car/motorcycle. Current drinking was more likely among males, ages 25–34, single, urban, and those with more education. Binge drinking was more likely among males, older age groups, and people who started drinking before 18. Drinking and driving was higher among males, those with more education, and rural residents. Those who binge-drink were nearly 70% more likely to report DD. All behaviors varied significantly among Brazilian states. Given their potential health consequences, the levels of injurious alcohol behaviors observed here warrant increased attention from Brazilian policymakers and civil society.


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